The Law 251 Podcast
Mobile, Alabama attorneys and their talk show friends break down the frequently asked questions about Law in the 251.
Tobias Comer Law - Desi Tobias, Bryan Comer and Lacey Smith - Personal Injury attorneys in Mobile, Alabama (the 251).
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A recent trip to Cuba with a local organization, the Mobile Havana Society, led to a discussion about a new book and the ties that bind Mobile and Havana. Mobile and Havana: Sisters Across the Gulf, a new book written by local architectural historian John Sledge and others, is an account of the historic linkages […]
Read MoreThe cons of e-scooters, like clogged sidewalks and the risk to public safety, outweigh the pros, according to critics. With the vehicles’ rise in popularity has come a corresponding rise in e-scooter-related emergency room visits, a surge of nearly 450% from 2017 to 2021, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Find out how Uninsured […]
Read MoreAttorney Lacey Smith discusses the $1.3 million jury verdict from a wheel separation case on I-65, and the importance of safe driving with the start of Teen Safe Driving Week. Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death in teens 15 – 18 years old. For parents, this is a cause of worry and frustration […]
Read MoreLet’s keep a focus on making sure our kids are in the right seat for their age, weight, and height – and that the seat is installed properly. Find out more here: https://www.tobiascomerlaw.com/car-seat-safety/ Here are some additional thoughts for consideration: • Read the owner’s manual instructions. Before installing a car seat, be sure to read […]
Read MoreBus Stop Safety For Parents and Students: • Arrive Early: Arriving at the bus stop a few minutes early helps avoid rushing, which can lead to accidents. • Wait Safely: Children should wait at least 5 giant steps (10 feet) away from the curb. Teach children to stand back from the road and never approach […]
Read MoreIt’s summertime and that means the kids are out on their bikes. Did you know: 1. Bicyclist deaths are highest during the summer months between June and September. 2. Nearly three-quarters of all bicyclist deaths occur in urban areas. 3. Failing to yield the right of way is the highest factor in fatal bike crashes, […]
Read MoreSummer is a great time to enjoy local waters. Whether you’re a boater, angler, or water sports enthusiast, please remember to be responsible around the water. May 18-24, 2024 is National Safe Boating Week. The Safe Boating Campaign, led by the National Safe Boating Council, offers these tips for safety while boating: 1. Wear a life jacket. No […]
Read MoreEach April marks Distracted Driving Month, a public awareness campaign aimed at calling attention to the dangers of distracted driving, as well as the laws in Alabama regarding texting and driving, and the utilization of handheld devices.
Read MoreThe stats for alcohol-related car accident deaths during St. Patrick’s Day weekend are alarming. Check out our latest Law 251 Podcast before you head out for St. Paddy’s Day – And get to know attorney Lacey Smith!
Read MoreLAW 251: On Mobile Mornings with Dalton Orwig, Desi Tobias from Tobias & Comer Law talks about how proud he is of his nephew during the recent National Championship Game, and explains the upcoming election with Mobile judges and Mardi Gras safety.
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