On August 21, 2024, Attorneys Bryan Comer and Lacey Smith obtained a jury verdict of $1,318,000 for a serious motor vehicle collision caused by a wheel separation from a trailer on Interstate 65. The jury returned a verdict against the maintenance company that failed to properly secure the wheels after performing work on the trailer. […]
Read MoreYou’re cruising the city with your friends, perhaps looking for a place to eat or something fun to do. Suddenly, a drunk driver pulls out of a bar parking lot and smashes into your car. You may know that you can hold the driver liable, but did you know that the bar may be liable, […]
Read MoreAs part of Child Passenger Safety Week, running from September 15-21, 2024, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is partnering with local communities to promote child passenger safety. This annual initiative aims to educate parents and caregivers on the critical importance of correctly installing and using car seats. Why Car […]
Read MoreAs the summer days wind down and the school bells start ringing, it’s time for children to head back to school. While this season brings excitement and new beginnings, it also calls for heightened attention to safety, especially around bus stops, school zones, and pedestrian areas. Whether you’re a parent, student, or motorist, staying informed […]
Read MoreBeing injured on the job is traumatic, and figuring out how to seek financial compensation for lost wages, medical bills, and other damages can be challenging to navigate. While land-based employees may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim, the rules for maritime employees are different. Instead of being under the purview of […]
Read MoreWith school starting up next month, Tobias & Comer Law is teaming up with FOX10 News and other partners to make sure students have all the supplies they need by participating in “Operation Backpack”. Now through the end of July, we are asking businesses and/or individuals to donate school supplies for local students in need. […]
Read MoreWhen we get into our vehicles, especially if they’re new or recently serviced ones, we expect them to get us to our destination safely. This, unfortunately, doesn’t always happen. Car and truck defects unfortunately occur, which can lead to motorists and others getting seriously hurt. Below, we explain what you need to know about auto […]
Read MoreFrom military operations involving the U.S. Navy and Marines to commercial boating and fishing operations, offshore oil extraction, and cruise ship operations, these are just some of the many different roles that comprise the over 12,860 domestic maritime industry jobs that the American Maritime Partnership claims we have here in Alabama. While many employment situations […]
Read MoreBoating accidents often result in significant property damage and devastating injuries, but they can often be avoided if people abide by certain boating safety tips. Unfortunately, however, even the most careful boaters cannot avoid mishaps caused by other people’s reckless behavior, and people who cause such incidents should be held accountable. If you have suffered […]
Read MoreEach April marks Distracted Driving Month, a public awareness campaign aimed at calling attention to the dangers distractions pose to motorists who engage in risky behavior and those they share the road with. We, therefore, thought it would be appropriate to share how big of an issue this irresponsible practice is in our state and […]
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